Students will have the opportunities to participate in Sydney Eisteddfod. Each year, a variety of competitions focusing on different musical themes are held by Sydney Eisteddfod.
Who are Sydney Eisteddfod?
Sydney Eisteddfod is an independent, community-based, not-for-profit organisation limited by guarantee. It is also a registered charity in New South Wales and is listed on the federal Register of Cultural Organisations eligible to receive tax-deductible donations.
For almost nine decades Sydney Eisteddfod has been contributing to the evolving culture of the Australian nation by nurturing the performing arts at a grass roots level.
Sydney Eisteddfod’s activities revolve around the presentation of the annual Sydney Eisteddfod, a competitive performing arts festival that runs from May to September with a program of just under 350 classical and contemporary events.
During this period, it provides performance opportunities for singers, dancers, actors, musicians, composers, bands, choirs and orchestras in seventeen venues across the Sydney area.
Over 2.5million entrants have performed on Sydney Eisteddfod stages, competing for leisure, cash prizes or scholarships for future study. It now attracts over 35,000 entrants, who perform to an audience of over 170,000 people.
Their mission
To present the annual Sydney Eisteddfod, one of the largest and most successful competitive performing arts festivals of its type in the world.
To promote the pursuit of excellence, especially amongst young people, with opportunities to perform in public through professionally judged competitions; to assist aspiring performers and develop lifelong engagement in the performing arts.
To spread its reach locally, nationally and internationally by connecting witah like-minded people and communities, thereby developing future audiences and providing life-changing success and international career opportunities for the participants.
Preparation for Sydney Eisteddfod
The teacher will discuss with parents and students who are interested in participating in Sydney Eisteddfod individually in their lesson regarding to the application procedure and preparation schedule.